
Tuesday, 4 August 2015


This Vlog was created for the #ColgateMagicalStories - The Power Of Constructive Parenting campaign at Indiblogger in association with Colgate  [Total Duration: 88 seconds]

It's a Sunday morning. While everyone in the house is busy watching television,some have gone to the temple while others are yet to wake up from their deep slumber...but li'l Ansh is awake and up to something else!

Thus out of curiosity I pick up my handy cam and head to the drawing room to capture through my lens our Junior Picasso who is all relaxed and composed as he begins to draw from his imagination with his color pencils,crayons,scissors,glue stick etc. all scattered around and oblivious of everything that's happening around him.

Realizing his flair for drawing, his mommy decides to make his Sunday a magical one when she purchases a special "Magical Castle" Colgate pack! Ansh had seen the Colgate magical stories commercial on television. And the intelligent boy that he is...he knows what to do next! 

All of ten years old,he is set to unleash his artistic talents as he builds his Colgate castle of protection...I am curious to see how the little one of the house uses these cut outs from the magical pack of Colgate and canvases his thoughts on paper. 

And as an observer, I must admit that I was awed to see the magical imagination of a child come alive with my aunt gently guiding him as he uses his crayons, color pencils, chart paper, a pair of scissors, glue stick and the 'special' Colgate Dental Cream pack to bring alive a story that is set in the lap of nature where trees, mountains, river, birds, humans, boat, hut etc. become a part of his life! And that's not it...he fortifies his Colgate castle of protection with strong walls and gates to keep 'enemies' at bay!

Interestingly what begins as a creative recreation for Ansh goes on to become a mother-son activity that gets all of us involved and brings many smiles and cheers that Sunday!

Watch the Vlog above to see how it all unfolds... 

Ansh's Colgate castle of protection is ready to protect his strong 'bout yours?

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